Yesterday, because I really felt yuck I stayed in and in the bed most of the day. The big adventure of the night was Chris taking me to O'Charley's because the sound of their potato soup sounded good. It sounded good, and nothing happened, but my tummy still hurt! I only seem to want one thing right now and that's scrambled eggs. Isn't that weird?
Anyway, for my birthday last year Katie Grisham gave me the movie Sex and the City. I had never seen an episode of the show, but she told me to watch it and she promised I would love it. I did. I loved it not for the raunchy stuff but for the friendships in that show. I know everyone knows the story but, these four women, who all have separate lives, separate careers, separate everything live in the busiest city in the world and are there for each other at the drop of a hat, whenever there is a crisis (no matter how small). This show addresses every relationship problem (friend/spouse) you could possible imagine. So for Valentine's day I got the first 4 seasons of the show on DvD and yesterday I was able to watch a bunch of them. One in particular that really touched me was the episode where Miranda's mom died suddenly of a heart attack. Miranda is a single girl, career driven (lawyer in NYC), and little time for anything else. She called Carrie to tell her, and Carrie didn't exactly know what to say...she just knew she needed to be there for her. Well anyway, to make a long story short, at the end of the episode the girls are at the funeral and Miranda is walking up the isle out of the church with her family, but by herself (no husband) and she starts crying. Carrie runs out into the isle and grabs her hand and holds it and walks out with her. Of course, I start crying because that is the exact picture of friendship that I think God wants it to be. No one to make you feel bad about yourself, no one to bring you down, just simply someone who understands whats going on and loves you in-spite of it all. So that got me to thinking, is that how I treat my own friends? I like to think that's true....I know I've fallen short of being the perfect friend lately. I only have myself to blame on that one though...I've over committed myself. It'll all be ok. I will make it through grad school and have my life back again. Even as I sit and write this blog I realize that I immediately need to get started on my paper. It's a never ending cycle it seems like. School, jazzercise, grad school....repeat! Uhg, but April 25 will come and I will be a free woman.
So I rambled on in this blog, just to get a few things off my chest. Sometimes it feels good just to put these things in writing. Yesterday I realized I have a friend that I didn't realize was a close as she was. It just clicked. Sheila (teacher I teach with) knew on Thursday that I was struggling through the day to make it so I could get to the doctor. She offered to drive me, because I was so pale. Not only that but, all I did was type of some sub plans, and she got everything in my room ready for me. She did "Fun Friday" with her class and invited my class (the ones who deserved it) over for it even though I wasn't there. She called me after school, to check on me and to also tell me what a great sub I had (that was a RELIEF!) and then she said, "I know you were sick, and had to be out but please don't be out again." I asked why and she said, "School's not fun if you aren't there." That little comment made my day. We are friends. We have two completely different lives....but always there for one another.
"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24
I want to live my life based on that. I want my friends now to know that I want to live my life based on that. I want my own Sex and the City friendships. Let's get them there...we can do it!
Much Love,
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
So when you have the stomach virus... have nothing but loads of time.
Ha. I really intended to blog more. I need to blog more. I'm really going to try to blog more.
So I'm off work today because the "stomach virus" plagued my classroom and now it has overtaken me. Yesterday at work we had big district visitors coming by and all that night before I had been sick. I knew I couldn't call in. It was AWFUL. I called my doctor hoping he could call me in something for the nausea, but they said he wanted to see me. Well he said it was best I didn't go to work today, and I'm kinda glad I didn't because I still don't feel completely right...believe me it's MUCH better than yesterday though.
Anyway, enough of that!
So what's been going on? A whole lot! Where should I start?
Well, I had been teaching Jazzercise out in Bartlett, and then I was offered a position to teach in Collierville. I had to take it. It's so close to home, and it will be much closer to my new home when I'm married (I'll come back to that.) So as sad as I was that I had to disappoint the crew out at Bartlett, I knew what I had to do. I like teaching out here. I'm home much sooner. Not eating dinner as late. It's working out great. And if you're in the Collierville area and wanting to try out Jazzercise I teach at the Collierville United Methodist Church on Poplar at 6:40 on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. (PLUG, PLUG, PLUG!)
Two friends had amazing little bundles of joy. Both boys!! The first was Alissa (my fabulous friend and wedding coordinator!) She has an amazing little cuddle bug named Jack. He's a month old now, so hard to believe! I can remember her coming into Jazzercise and telling me when she was just finding out she was pregnant. I went and visited with Alissa and Jack and he is just the cutest thing. Makes sweet little noises. Didn't fuss a bit! Can't wait to hold him again...
The other was my best friend of 17 years (I actually had to count back in my head how long we've been friends.) Mrs. Katie Hundley Grisham. She had baby Hayden early, but healthy and beautiful. Her story is kind of funny. I hope she reads this. I had just talked to her the day before her next doctors appointment. She had been stuck at 2 cm dilated for 2 weeks and was hoping to have made some progress. Well, she went to that next appointment and she was STILL 2 cm dilated. She went back to work, got a sharp pain...called the said come back. Next thing I know, I'm at work and get a text that simply says this from Katie, "in labor." So of course I freak out! She didn't text me back, but I got her mom on the phone and she filled me in, and as soon as school let out I hurried to the hospital. It was a whirlwind! I got there, they checked her she was at 5 cm. Then the doctor came in to break her water and asked us to step into the hall then he immediately came out and said go to the waiting room, we're pushing! I think it was about 30 minutes later that we found out Baby Hayden was here. Such a cutie pie. I was supposed to go see them tonight...but I don't know if I'm completely over this bug yet...don't wanna get Momma or baby sick.
Let's see...what else....Oh! Starting this coming Monday I will start my FINAL grad class online. I will finish April 25th. When I say April 25th it actually helps me see that there is a finish line. It has been a stress on me, obviously. As I've gone through the courses, the writing has gotten more difficult, the professors grade harder. It's been a tough act to juggle with Graves Elementary, Grad School, AND teaching Jazzercise three nights a week. Sometimes I think I took on too much too soon. But just think, April 25th will be a day where I can celebrate some free time in my life again!
So, the other thing keeping me busy has been wedding planning. The official date is October 23, 2010. It seems far away, and it seems crazy to be planning so early, but everyone I've booked has said, "Wow, you just booked my last date in October." I'm learning that October is the "June" of Fall Weddings. So lot's of details have been worked out, some are still hanging in the air, but that's ok, we've got time. Here's a run down of what's been planned.
Venue: Memphis Zoo - Teton Trek Exhibit
I wasn't sure about how it would sound that I was getting married at "The Zoo" but, Alissa told me to go look at the Teton Trek exhibit and she said she promised that I would change my mind. She was right! It is breathtakingly gorgeous. Here are a few pictures:
This is "The Grand Lodge" at the exhibit. It is where the ceremony and reception will take place. It's a cute little lodge and those are geysers that shoot off in the front. The center one can shoot up to 25 feet tall!
This is the mezzanine balcony in the lodge. The ceremony will take place up here and the reception will be set up downstairs.
This is a view of the reception area from the balcony. Those two flat screens will play photos of Chris and I during the night.
Here is another view of the reception area. Look at the lighting and that beautiful fire place!

This is the exhibit all lit up at night like it will be during the wedding. All of my guests will have full access to the exhibit until midnight.
So I'm pretty excited just about the venue!
Flowers: L&Jay Productions
The flowers are going to be simple but elegant. The main flower is a green orchid with a plum colored throat.
My bouquet will be entirely orchids. The bridesmaid bouquets will have 3 orchids each and a mixture of fall colored flowers that tie in with my colors. Jay is building me two tree like things that will sit behind where we are getting married. They will be made of curly willow and have orchids tied to the curly willow in places as well as tea lights. These pieces will also be brought down for the reception to be place on the buffet tables. The centerpieces will also have some curly willow, orchids and other mixtures of fall flowers. GORGEOUS!
Bridesmaids: I have selected the color Watermelon from David's Bridal. Not to sure about the dress yet. I've had mixed reactions from bridesmaids and want to make sure I pick something that they are completely comfortable in. I've been in their shoes before (and a size too small shoes once before! ha!) Here is just a sample of two dresses that I like from the David's bridal site. Let me know what you think.

Tell me what y'all think!
Cake: I have chosen an AMAZING cake designer. You can check her out on facebook here:!/pages/Memphis-TN/The-Flour-Garden/171106787892?ref=search&sid=38900746.2049021270..1
She is going to make a three tiered cake for me with two flavors. Strawberry and white cake. The outside will be white fondant icing. She's also going to mimic the curly willow going up the cake and make orchids out of fondant as well. She is also doing Chris' grooms cake in the shape of his race car. You have GOT to check out her picture on facebook!!!
DJ: Jordabella Entertainment
I was introduced to them through the bridal show. Mark did the sound for the wedding fashion shows. He has a great mixture of music and you can even select your music for your wedding ONLINE. So convenient! Visit Mark's website here:
Photography: Shane Carr Photography/Videography
I was introduced to Shane through Starlife Photography's photographer Mike. Mike wasn't available on my date, and suggest I use Shane. His work is amazing! His photography packages come with so much! My package includes a bridal portrait session, engagement photos, wedding coverage, reception coverage and lots of options of prints.
The day of the wedding Shane will video everyone getting ready as well as take pictures. He will mix all of this into a wedding video with pictures and video. He does some amazing work! Check him out here:
So that's all I have for now about the wedding. We still haven't decided on a caterer. We still have to hammer out all the small details, but that will all come with time.
I truly will try and blog more. Especially as I plan more for the wedding. Thanks for reading!
Happy Blogging!
Ha. I really intended to blog more. I need to blog more. I'm really going to try to blog more.
So I'm off work today because the "stomach virus" plagued my classroom and now it has overtaken me. Yesterday at work we had big district visitors coming by and all that night before I had been sick. I knew I couldn't call in. It was AWFUL. I called my doctor hoping he could call me in something for the nausea, but they said he wanted to see me. Well he said it was best I didn't go to work today, and I'm kinda glad I didn't because I still don't feel completely right...believe me it's MUCH better than yesterday though.
Anyway, enough of that!
So what's been going on? A whole lot! Where should I start?
Well, I had been teaching Jazzercise out in Bartlett, and then I was offered a position to teach in Collierville. I had to take it. It's so close to home, and it will be much closer to my new home when I'm married (I'll come back to that.) So as sad as I was that I had to disappoint the crew out at Bartlett, I knew what I had to do. I like teaching out here. I'm home much sooner. Not eating dinner as late. It's working out great. And if you're in the Collierville area and wanting to try out Jazzercise I teach at the Collierville United Methodist Church on Poplar at 6:40 on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. (PLUG, PLUG, PLUG!)
Two friends had amazing little bundles of joy. Both boys!! The first was Alissa (my fabulous friend and wedding coordinator!) She has an amazing little cuddle bug named Jack. He's a month old now, so hard to believe! I can remember her coming into Jazzercise and telling me when she was just finding out she was pregnant. I went and visited with Alissa and Jack and he is just the cutest thing. Makes sweet little noises. Didn't fuss a bit! Can't wait to hold him again...
The other was my best friend of 17 years (I actually had to count back in my head how long we've been friends.) Mrs. Katie Hundley Grisham. She had baby Hayden early, but healthy and beautiful. Her story is kind of funny. I hope she reads this. I had just talked to her the day before her next doctors appointment. She had been stuck at 2 cm dilated for 2 weeks and was hoping to have made some progress. Well, she went to that next appointment and she was STILL 2 cm dilated. She went back to work, got a sharp pain...called the said come back. Next thing I know, I'm at work and get a text that simply says this from Katie, "in labor." So of course I freak out! She didn't text me back, but I got her mom on the phone and she filled me in, and as soon as school let out I hurried to the hospital. It was a whirlwind! I got there, they checked her she was at 5 cm. Then the doctor came in to break her water and asked us to step into the hall then he immediately came out and said go to the waiting room, we're pushing! I think it was about 30 minutes later that we found out Baby Hayden was here. Such a cutie pie. I was supposed to go see them tonight...but I don't know if I'm completely over this bug yet...don't wanna get Momma or baby sick.
Let's see...what else....Oh! Starting this coming Monday I will start my FINAL grad class online. I will finish April 25th. When I say April 25th it actually helps me see that there is a finish line. It has been a stress on me, obviously. As I've gone through the courses, the writing has gotten more difficult, the professors grade harder. It's been a tough act to juggle with Graves Elementary, Grad School, AND teaching Jazzercise three nights a week. Sometimes I think I took on too much too soon. But just think, April 25th will be a day where I can celebrate some free time in my life again!
So, the other thing keeping me busy has been wedding planning. The official date is October 23, 2010. It seems far away, and it seems crazy to be planning so early, but everyone I've booked has said, "Wow, you just booked my last date in October." I'm learning that October is the "June" of Fall Weddings. So lot's of details have been worked out, some are still hanging in the air, but that's ok, we've got time. Here's a run down of what's been planned.
Venue: Memphis Zoo - Teton Trek Exhibit
I wasn't sure about how it would sound that I was getting married at "The Zoo" but, Alissa told me to go look at the Teton Trek exhibit and she said she promised that I would change my mind. She was right! It is breathtakingly gorgeous. Here are a few pictures:

So I'm pretty excited just about the venue!
Flowers: L&Jay Productions
The flowers are going to be simple but elegant. The main flower is a green orchid with a plum colored throat.

Bridesmaids: I have selected the color Watermelon from David's Bridal. Not to sure about the dress yet. I've had mixed reactions from bridesmaids and want to make sure I pick something that they are completely comfortable in. I've been in their shoes before (and a size too small shoes once before! ha!) Here is just a sample of two dresses that I like from the David's bridal site. Let me know what you think.

Cake: I have chosen an AMAZING cake designer. You can check her out on facebook here:!/pages/Memphis-TN/The-Flour-Garden/171106787892?ref=search&sid=38900746.2049021270..1
She is going to make a three tiered cake for me with two flavors. Strawberry and white cake. The outside will be white fondant icing. She's also going to mimic the curly willow going up the cake and make orchids out of fondant as well. She is also doing Chris' grooms cake in the shape of his race car. You have GOT to check out her picture on facebook!!!
DJ: Jordabella Entertainment
I was introduced to them through the bridal show. Mark did the sound for the wedding fashion shows. He has a great mixture of music and you can even select your music for your wedding ONLINE. So convenient! Visit Mark's website here:
Photography: Shane Carr Photography/Videography
I was introduced to Shane through Starlife Photography's photographer Mike. Mike wasn't available on my date, and suggest I use Shane. His work is amazing! His photography packages come with so much! My package includes a bridal portrait session, engagement photos, wedding coverage, reception coverage and lots of options of prints.
The day of the wedding Shane will video everyone getting ready as well as take pictures. He will mix all of this into a wedding video with pictures and video. He does some amazing work! Check him out here:
So that's all I have for now about the wedding. We still haven't decided on a caterer. We still have to hammer out all the small details, but that will all come with time.
I truly will try and blog more. Especially as I plan more for the wedding. Thanks for reading!
Happy Blogging!
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About Me
- Katie
- Olive Branch, MS, United States
- My name is Katie and I am 26 years old. I am a 3rd Grade teacher for St. George's Independent Schools(Memphis Campus). I am married to the man of my dreams and we live in cozy house in Olive Branch, Mississippi. I now have a Mississippi driver's license and tags and quite often loose my car in parking lots because I'm not used to those tags. I am a diehard Memphis Tiger's basketball fan, and love this time of year.