Things have been absolutely nuts the past few weeks. Between school (teaching), Grad School, Preparing for my Jazzercise audition, various meetings at work, and all of the other random "hiccups" in life, it's been hard to sit down and write about what's going on.
First of all, my audition is 11 days away. I'm nervous! I know that if it is in God's plan for me, and I work hard I will pass. Ann has been great (my instructor) at letting me teach routines in front of the class. That has helped take the nerves out of getting in front of people. I had to write a fat check to Jazzercise and book a hotel room in Nashville at the lovely MICROTEL. Let's hope it's "nice." Ha. Anyway, in a few minutes I'll be rehearsing!
I finished the hardest of my Grad classes to date. I have four more to go. This class was educational research. Had to write a research paper, which was surprisingly easy to do. I thought I was out of practice, but I ended up with an "A" on the paper. Luckily I have this next week off of Grad school because the next class does not begin until after Labor day. It will be nice to not have to think about it for a week.
I also still have NO AIR at school. Up until Friday I had been able to turn it off and on until the air would finally cut on, but on Friday it finally gave out. Luckily on Friday the air man showed up, he knows what the problem is and is supposed to fix it tomorrow. I'll keep my fingers crossed on that one. Thank God for the beautiful weather this week which makes it more bearable.
My class this year is really a unique bunch. Right now I have 16, and I suspect that we are going to have to close a section of 2nd grade and fill our classes up. I'm still praying that there is a way to keep our numbers low. It is so nice to have a small class. I feel like I'm able to accomplish so much more! I thought I'd post a few pictures of my kids from two Friday's ago. They made cupcake aliens because the story for the week was about space. Here are a few of my kids.
Kingston and his cupcake.
An upclose look at a cupcake (sideways, sorry!)
This past Friday they had a dance for the kids to celebrate a great first three weeks of school. I got some cute shots of my kids during the dance.
So as you can see, I have some cuties this year. Please pray for us to have some air conditioning so I won't have anymore crabby children and they won't have a crabby teacher!
Alright, well it's off to go practice, practice, practice and then work on school work till I hit the bed tonight. Hope ya'lls week is great!
Happy blogging!
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