Well, Friday morning in the lobby at school her older sister stopped me and said "We are so proud of Kourtlyn's progress report. We took her to Chili's last night to celebrate. She worked so hard." This just really made my day! When Kourtlyn made it down to my room I told her I had heard about her celebration at Chili's. She told me, "I know Ms. Chrostowski. I only made a C in math and I can keep bringing that up. I am working hard." I told her, "Well do you know who you should be proud of?" She said, "Myself." I said, "Yes you should becauses you're the one who did all that hard work. You keep it up ok?" She said, "I is, I is." IT WAS PRECIOUS. Oh, I needed that. For the past three weeks I have almost felt like I've hit a dead end road, but then God intervined. Thank God for that family who loves and cares for her enough to celebrate a "C." Of course, I'll include a picture of her, I think I actually posted this picture in the post before about our cupcakes. But here is little Kourtlyn. Keep praying for her. I know I am.
"Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."
Have a great long weekend y'all...
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