Thursday, May 13, 2010

Can I get some things off my chest?

I'm not gonna lie...I cried on the way home from work today. Actually, my tears had nothing to do with work...for once. I cried because I turned the radio off and listened to my heart. I listened to some things I've been trying to tell myself for the past few month but haven't wanted to listen.

There are some major things taking place in my life. Some of you all know about my family situation. My parents are divorced. They divorced when I was 17. Since they've been divorced my mom and I have really become best friends. We developed a relationship that we couldn't really have when my dad was around. The relationship with my dad is for another blog, another time...(ha). Anyway, I got sad because I realized that I am so excited about getting my new house together and planning a wedding and I'm leaving her alone at home. I KNOW she will be fine, I KNOW I will see her all the time, but still...I want her to be ok. She's been single for almost 10 year now, but, she hasn't dated or anything. I wish she would. I think my mom has so much to offer a person. Plus, it would make me feel a lot better. (Isn't that selfish of me?) She deserves a man who will treat her the way she should be treated. My dad wasn't that person for her. She tells me all the time that her pain that she went through with my dad was all worth it because she had me. That's amazing love you know? Unconditional love that I can imagine would only come from loving a child. It's strange to think that I'm going to be using a lot of my summer packing my things to start moving into Chris' house. I've only ever lived at home. Now there will be a new home. Just thinking about that makes my heart flutter.

I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea, I love Chris and I can't wait to marry him and have a home of my own. This is all just a big change!

In addition to my cry on the way home from school today, I also cried in the middle of church on this past Sunday. The last worship song was "How Great Thou Art?" Now for those of you who know Hope Pres. you know that we typically don't sing traditional songs, they are more contemporary. So hearing this song was refreshing, but it also sent emotions flooding into me. Has that ever happened to you? The kind of emotions that no matter how hard you fight them those tears are going to escape? This song made me cry because of a sweet memory. My grandfather who passed away in 2007 used to go with us to church when we went to Collierville United Methodist Church. I can distinctly remember singing the song "How Great Thou Art?" and my 94 year old grandfather, who couldn't carry a tune, belting out that song as loud as he could. Oh, how I wish I could hear his sweet voice again. For those of you reading this blog who knew my grandfather, you know exactly the man he was. Completely devoted to God. An amazing inspiration. Wow. I just don't think I've thought about him in a while. Althought I cried, I'm glad I cried because of this sweet memory. Those are the good memories. Not the memories of his last few days on Earth that were emotionally exhausting.

So I know this blog isn't making much sense because it's all over the place. But, one more thing I wanted to mention. I also have had a friend on my mind lately. She will probably read this blog and I hope she does. I want you to check out that blog. It is the journey of my friend CiAnna who has been diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. She is amazing. A true inspiration. I actually told her the other day that at church Sunday I thought of her the whole time because every piece of scripture described her, or her situation. Please pray for her. God has put this in her journey, and while we don't know why He has, we will all understand someday.

I think I've unloaded enough now. I'm going to get ready to teach Jazzercise tonight. Hey, maybe you'll come see me. 6:40...Collierville United Methodist Church....with's a blast.

Thanks for reading guys...


  1. Your mom is such an amazing woman, and I hope she finds a wonderful man some day!! But she is definitely lucky to have had you :)

    I know how you feel about moving's very hard, but you will see her ALL the time. It's a big adjustment, but it'll be ok!

  2. awww! way to make me cry! Its amazing when we get to the point where our moms become our best friends! I can't wait for your wedding and we must get together soon for realz!



About Me

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Olive Branch, MS, United States
My name is Katie and I am 26 years old. I am a 3rd Grade teacher for St. George's Independent Schools(Memphis Campus). I am married to the man of my dreams and we live in cozy house in Olive Branch, Mississippi. I now have a Mississippi driver's license and tags and quite often loose my car in parking lots because I'm not used to those tags. I am a diehard Memphis Tiger's basketball fan, and love this time of year.