Anyway, school is out! Time to relax, plan a wedding, remodel a house, and.......some other exciting news that I will share later. :) (NO I'M NOT PREGNANT). Just because some of you might thing that! So all that being said, let me catch you up on what's been going on the past few weeks.
Well first of all, Chris and I have been chugging right a long on painting the house. We recently just picked out the color and finished painting our room. It's Tiffany's blue and I am in LOOOOVE with the color. Here are a few pictures.
Also, we had an engagement party on May 22 at my mom's lovely boss' house. It was a truly wonderful night. Here are a few pictures of the fun!
Lastly, the Sunday after our engagement party my former softball coach from Collierville High School is retiring this year. He's worked hard, and deserves it but I can tell you that program will miss him dearly!!
At Coach's retirement party I got to meet up with some players who played with me and it was super fun being the "oldies" at this get together. We seriously were the only ones there who weren't giggly girls! Ahhh, to be young again...
CiAnna, Rachel and I
Oldies, but goodies....CiAnna and I :)
So that's what has been going on. I need to be better about this whole blog thing. You would think with summer vacay I would have loads of time. Stay tuned...I do have some exciting news to share....until then..........................HAPPY SUMMER!
Happy for you and your news! :)