Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Blogging Hiatus is Over!

I went to the movies over my Christmas break and saw this cute little commercial about a dad who created an e-mail account for his baby daughter. He wrote her e-mails frequently about the major events in her life and ended each e-mail with, "I can't wait until you are old enough to read all these."

No, I'm not pregnant lol. However seeing that commercial reminded me that I do have a blog that is really fun to go back and read, when it's updated... Mine definitely has seen it's better days. I am surrounded by technology! Home laptop, work laptop, iPhone, and now a snazzy iPad (thanks to Santa). All that being said, I really do need to do a better job of blogging. I mean it wouldn't take as long if I updated regularly. Also, I have a nice camera, and another thing that I am going to work hard to do a better job of is take more pictures to remember so many special memories that I have.

So, I will start with just a brief update of our Christmas this year. It was a busy season for me. It's funny how teachers seem to have absolutely no time to Christmas shop before our Christmas break begins. Between Christmas programs, parties, and festivities there are very little evenings left to shop. So the hustle and bustle for the Burleson family began on December 16th at 12:30 as I rolled out of school to begin a much needed break. Saturday, the 17th, we went over to my friend, Stephanie's new house in Southaven for our annual Christmas/thanksgiving with friends. Sunday, the 18th, Chris and I did Christmas with my dad. Monday, the 19th we took our nephew to the tigers game against lipscomb. I think he really enjoyed it. Tuesday, I enjoyed baking several dozen cookies and then headed over to my friend Katie's for a cookie swap. It was also the night that our girl group exchanged gifts. :) Wednesday, the 21st my mother and sister in law came over for a baking day. Thursday and Friday were filled with finishing up Christmas shopping and wrapping and getting ready for having Chris's side of the family over for Christmas eve. It went very well and I was very pleased with how everything turned out. I only wish that in my hustle and bustle that I would have taken the time to take some pictures :(. On the evening of Christmas eve we spent it with my family playing our annual game of dirty Santa. Interesting as always! Christmas day was wonderful. We woke up about 9 and exchanged gifts at home together first then headed to my mom's. She had a wonderful breakfast casserole for us as well as our traditional sausage balls for breakfast. We exchanged gifts, then hung out for awhile before heading home to get ready to go be with the rest of my family that evening.

This Christmas has been the best so far in my memory. It wasn't about the gifts, it was about the time together. I have so enjoyed this break. Last year this time, we were on a cruise ship headed to the Bahamas, but even still this year is better.

So as the new year approaches, I am going to do better about documenting my life. Just because it is so neat to go back and read.

I hope your Christmas was just as blessed as mine.


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About Me

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Olive Branch, MS, United States
My name is Katie and I am 26 years old. I am a 3rd Grade teacher for St. George's Independent Schools(Memphis Campus). I am married to the man of my dreams and we live in cozy house in Olive Branch, Mississippi. I now have a Mississippi driver's license and tags and quite often loose my car in parking lots because I'm not used to those tags. I am a diehard Memphis Tiger's basketball fan, and love this time of year.