We rang in the new year on a Cruise ship for our belated honeymoon. Quite and amazing experience.
This was right after we got her and were in the car on the way home! She weighed in at about 1.25 lbs and was such a ball of fun! Now she ways 5.5lbs and plays ALLLLL the time!

Chris celebrated his birthday at the beach!

Poor Bella got spayed. :(

School started back again!
Bella went to another doggie friends 1st birthday, and fell in love with 3 dog bakery cake!

Another painting party! So far this is my favorite painting!

Chris got a new truck!

We celebrated being married for 1 year! Enjoyed a yummy cake topper and a dinner at Texas de Brazil

Bella made Halloween look GOOD!

I ran my 3rd 5k and cut my time to 30:04! Race for Grace with Jessica!

We had our pictures made with Kristin Irby Photography!
My uncle came to do his very last demo at my school before he retired from MPD.
I decorated for Christmas!

December was full of family, food, and lots of time together. Unfortunately, I did not take pictures like I should have!!! But trust that we had a wonderful time.
I went to my first ever cookie swap.

And tonight...on New Years Eve, me and the hubs took in a Tigers game. We walked away with a win too!

I wish the very best new year to you and yours. It was a blast looking back through 2011. Here is to an amazing 2012!
January - February
We received A LOT of snow! So much that we had to take an inservice day away to be with the kids, rather than making up an extra day. I'll take the compromise any day!

Also in February there we plenty of Tigers games, that leads us to March...which begins March Maddness!
The Tigers walked away with a conference championship that led them to the big dance. Unfortunately we didn't make it far, but we were there to welcome the boys home!
Bella got her first big girl hair cut.
I ran in my first 5k in 32 minutes, and by some miraculous miracle I got first place in my age group!

I got my very first Pandora bracelet for my 27th birthday. I love getting new charms to add to it!

Poor Bella got spayed. :(
Bella went to another doggie friends 1st birthday, and fell in love with 3 dog bakery cake!

Another painting party! So far this is my favorite painting!

Chris got a new truck!

Bella made Halloween look GOOD!

I ran my 3rd 5k and cut my time to 30:04! Race for Grace with Jessica!

We had our pictures made with Kristin Irby Photography!

December was full of family, food, and lots of time together. Unfortunately, I did not take pictures like I should have!!! But trust that we had a wonderful time.
I went to my first ever cookie swap.

And tonight...on New Years Eve, me and the hubs took in a Tigers game. We walked away with a win too!

I wish the very best new year to you and yours. It was a blast looking back through 2011. Here is to an amazing 2012!
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