So after working at school (and going for a much needed pedicure), I went to Wal-Mart to look for new baskets for my classroom library. I wanted to really get good baskets that would be durable and last me more than just a year. I made the mistake of using cheap ones last year and they were busting up before the first semester was over. These baskets are those white ones with gray handles and holes in them. I'm sure you've seen them. They seem like they will last a long time! I sure hope so because I bought 23 of them and it cost me $57 bucks! I don't think I will need ALL of them for the library, but I can use them elsewhere also. Oh and if you are wanting to buy some of these for yourself....don't go to the Collierville Wal-Mart because I bought all they had. :)
Lastly, I'm gonna ask for special prayers tonight for myself. I'm waiting to hear whether or not I passed my final casting call in order to go to the September workshop for Jazzercise. I've told myself that if this is something that God wants me to do, then it will happen. I'm not worrying over it, I've put this totally in His hands. So I guess in your prayers just pray that what should happen, happens. I'll let you all know what happens, and hopefully it will be good news!
The next few days will be busy. I plan on working all day tomorrow and then Houston's birthday party at the spray park is on Saturday. I got him TONS of moon sand (sorry Mandy) and a jumbo Diego coloring book. This is just for his spray park party. "T" will take care of him for the family party as well.
Well, I'm off to cut out more lamination. Hope everyone is doing well!
Happy Blogging!
OMG, the wall looks great and the ceiling are so low. Looks great. I got an idea. We will keep the moon sand at T's house to play with. lol, he is gonna be excited. You are gonna do great on your Jazzercise instructer class, you know the comment she made today. But I will still pray for ya. Love ya