Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Mandy Saves the Day!

Mandy came and helped me organized my classroom library today and OMG what a life saver. She has a way of taking a huge task and making it go a whole heck of a lot faster. She was sorting, I was labeling, and we got this thing done in and hour or a little more. Last night I made little tags for each basket that labels the genre of the books in that basket. On the tag is either a little lady bug or bumble bee. The tags alternate the bug as well. They really turned out cute!

I know this picture is kinda blurry, but those books in those baskets make me so happy! It turned out better than I envisioned it! That extra space on that shelf is going to be used for storage. Not really sure what will go in there right now but I'm sure I'll find something.

The day was really fun. I got to spend a lot of time with Mandy and Houston. I think the highlight of the day was when I got locked in the teacher's lounge bathroom and Mandy was outside in the lounge on the couch laughing her butt off while Houston freaked out trying to get me out. He said "Mommy it isn't funny!" Haha. It worked out that she could come and help me because she had to drop her car off to be repaired in good ole' Whitehaven. Let's hope when she picks it up tomorrow it still has all four tires on it! (JK Mandy!) After we worked at my school we went to Booya's for lunch and I had a delicious Booya Burger! It made me feel cruddy afterwards because I really don't eat like that anymore! Sometimes you have to splurge though. After Booya's we decided to go up to CCA for a visit (TK to me). We wound up staying for awhile. Here's a goofy picture of Hou Boo and I from today...
I love that kid. Gosh I hope one day when I have one it is just HALF as cool as him. :)

Anyway, Mandy also visited my Jazzercise class tonight. She did great for a first timer! I hope she comes back to visit soon!

Tomorrow I'm going to sleep in a little bit, go to school and put the final touches on my classroom. I will have lots of pictures to post tomorrow. Keep praying for me and my Jazzercise auditions in September. I've been practicing everyday. Oh and if anyone knows where I can get CPR certified for cheap please let me know!!!

Hope everyone's week is going great!

Happy Blogging!


  1. Your books look great! I wish you would have gotten a picture of Mandy at Jazzercise! LOL!!

  2. WE had so much fun hanging out today. And Melissa, you wouldn't have wanted a pic of me. I was bouncing all over the joint. Kt kept telling me to scoot over, I thought I was gonna kick her at one point. lol. So glad to help with your books KT, the classroom actually looks super good in person. The bathroom incident was hilarious and I am still laughing about that. Thanks for picking me up from Westbrook and thanks for lunch.



About Me

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Olive Branch, MS, United States
My name is Katie and I am 26 years old. I am a 3rd Grade teacher for St. George's Independent Schools(Memphis Campus). I am married to the man of my dreams and we live in cozy house in Olive Branch, Mississippi. I now have a Mississippi driver's license and tags and quite often loose my car in parking lots because I'm not used to those tags. I am a diehard Memphis Tiger's basketball fan, and love this time of year.