Thursday, July 30, 2009

The pretty much finished product!

So, it's done! Aside from just a few little things here and there, my room is complete! I am soooooo thrilled with how great it turned out this year. This post will be mostly pictures because I wanted to show everyone what the finished product looks like.

Linda Briggs is a life saver! These are the letters that are going on my door that she is so generously decorating for me. She's following my theme of ladybugs and bees. I loooove this font.

Here is my decorated door! The letters from above just have to be added to the door. Look at my sassy ladybug!! I need a funky name for her, she is really cool. Linda free handed that! She is amazing!

Here is my bulletin board that she has been working on. The little yellow section of the board is something that every teacher has. It has the sign with our name on it an also places to post our weekly newsletter and our class schedule. Here is my sassy ladybug again. She's just chillin' in the grass. I love her! This board is going to have lettering that says "Welcome Back 2-03!"

Here she is up close. Also you can see the detail of the border. Linda made that border. It's not store bought.

This is an up close view of the flower signs in the yellow section of the board. You can also see that Linda added another little ladybug on my flower leaf. Such detail!

Ok now on to the pictures from inside the classroom.

Here is my wooden closet area at the front of the room. This is where I will track conduct, fluency and how my students get home. Inside the cabinet is my art supplies and other random things. That small board beside there is where I will post my weekly spi's.

Here is the view of the front of the room. Teaching table is at the front. The other small bulletin board to the left is where my workstation rotation chart will be hanging. You can also see my caddies in the center of the tables. Those are for community supplies such as crayons, scissors, glue sticks, pencils and other various things.

Here is the side wall of my room. The shelves have my literacy workstations and phonics workstation. You can also see my conduct chart. I use the card system. Green - E (Excellent) Yellow - W (Warning) Blue - S (Satisfactory) Orange - N (Needs Improvement) and Red - U (Unsatisfactory). You can also see another blank bulletin board. That is actually a free standing bulletin board that is leaning in the window seal. It will have my Calendar Math on it once I get all the pieces :)

Moving along down that wall, this is my carpet area. My favorite area to teach. You can see towards the left my library bookshelf. Also the main focus of the picture is my still TAKEN APART air conditioner. Yep, you guessed it, still no air. Got a little bit of positive news though. Seems as though MCS is going to fix A/C units that are taken apart first because they could be hazardous to the children. Wow MCS you are SO smart. Do you sense my sarcasm?

Again my beautiful library courtesy of Mandy Collins. Thanks Mandy!

Here is my rocking chair and easel. This seriously is my favorite place to teach. I give each of my students a clip board and we work on the carpet. They rarely sit at their seats unless they are doing an independent practice or workstations.

Here is my teacher "cave." I promise this is more organized than it looks. Once I get my copier and other things there it will look much more pleasant! And of course as always I'm representin' Memphis!

Here is the other wall. My wordwalls, information wall, computer table, math workstation and listening station. Also a good shot of my students desks. Their chairs will have chair pockets on them just as soon as I wash them and bring them to school!

Here is another shot of the back wall and my lovely lazy daisy display. Uhg, I'll be glad when I don't have to have ugly fans everywhere.

So, as I have been writing this for like the past hour and a half the tornado sirens have been going off, all kinds of crazy thunder, and down pour rains! Ahhh, summer time in the South. I'm missing doesn't make me happy! Well anyway, I had the cats locked in the bedroom with me and all of a sudden this HUGE clap of thunder hit and both cats ran into the bathroom (on their own) and have been sitting in the sink ever since. Haha. Of course I had to take pictures.

Look at Izzie's face. She looks terrified! Well I hope that no one has any damage from the storms. Things seem to be calming down now.

Happy Blogging!


  1. wow Katie, it looks great! The best yet, I believe. Linda is so awesome, I love the ladybugs. Anyway, hope the comment email workss! TESTING! Love Mandy

  2. I want a lady buy from my room! I know it is such a relief to have your room done - enjoy your weekend.



About Me

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Olive Branch, MS, United States
My name is Katie and I am 26 years old. I am a 3rd Grade teacher for St. George's Independent Schools(Memphis Campus). I am married to the man of my dreams and we live in cozy house in Olive Branch, Mississippi. I now have a Mississippi driver's license and tags and quite often loose my car in parking lots because I'm not used to those tags. I am a diehard Memphis Tiger's basketball fan, and love this time of year.