Meet Bella

"God made the animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God said that it was good." Genesis 1:25
The rest of this post I want to devote to a completely unrelated topic, but something that I need my friends praying about.
On Friday, one of the little boys in my class was on a field trip with us. His mom also joined us. She received a call while on the trip that their house was on fire. She quickly took her boy and left. I was stunned, didn't really know what to do. I stopped right their and prayed for this sweet family.
We returned to school, and my supervisor and I drove over to their home, only to find the shell of a house standing, the insides burnt completely. It's this next part that will never leave my mind. This child, standing their, in his fathers jacket (he left his with us on the field trip), looking at his house in shambles. He sees me walking down his street (the fire dept shut it down), runs towards me and hugs me. He says, "Mrs. Burleson, we've literally lost everything. My hamsters died." Oh, tears immediately came to my eyes.
We stayed awhile, and left to go back to school. I had to go back to school and field the questions from the other students about their sweet friend. They made touching cards, and later that evening along with some other co-workers we went back to his grandmothers house (across the street) with dinner and a few odds and ends.
There were people coming and going from everywhere. Church members pulling charred belongings out of the house. His father covered head to toe in black. His mother still had an amazing smile. Needless to say, I was touched...and I'm sure this family is as well.
Today I spoke with his mom and she is so strong. She feels so blessed. And they are.
If you're reading this, I want you to stop right now and pray.
Pray for this sweet family, pray for my student, pray for the grandparents who are taking them in, pray for their family dog who is suffering from the impact of smoke inhalation , and praise God for all of the people who are helping this family.
We will be holding a special chapel service at work on Tuesday, and we also are going to do whatever helps this family.
Here is what I am going to do for my student: buy him two new hamsters. He got those hamsters for Christmas, and told me all about him at school. So if you know anything about hamsters, speak up, I want to pick the best of the best.
God is awesome. He's showing this family just how awesome he is.
Mrs. KB
On Friday, one of the little boys in my class was on a field trip with us. His mom also joined us. She received a call while on the trip that their house was on fire. She quickly took her boy and left. I was stunned, didn't really know what to do. I stopped right their and prayed for this sweet family.
We returned to school, and my supervisor and I drove over to their home, only to find the shell of a house standing, the insides burnt completely. It's this next part that will never leave my mind. This child, standing their, in his fathers jacket (he left his with us on the field trip), looking at his house in shambles. He sees me walking down his street (the fire dept shut it down), runs towards me and hugs me. He says, "Mrs. Burleson, we've literally lost everything. My hamsters died." Oh, tears immediately came to my eyes.
We stayed awhile, and left to go back to school. I had to go back to school and field the questions from the other students about their sweet friend. They made touching cards, and later that evening along with some other co-workers we went back to his grandmothers house (across the street) with dinner and a few odds and ends.
There were people coming and going from everywhere. Church members pulling charred belongings out of the house. His father covered head to toe in black. His mother still had an amazing smile. Needless to say, I was touched...and I'm sure this family is as well.
Today I spoke with his mom and she is so strong. She feels so blessed. And they are.
If you're reading this, I want you to stop right now and pray.
Pray for this sweet family, pray for my student, pray for the grandparents who are taking them in, pray for their family dog who is suffering from the impact of smoke inhalation , and praise God for all of the people who are helping this family.
We will be holding a special chapel service at work on Tuesday, and we also are going to do whatever helps this family.
Here is what I am going to do for my student: buy him two new hamsters. He got those hamsters for Christmas, and told me all about him at school. So if you know anything about hamsters, speak up, I want to pick the best of the best.
God is awesome. He's showing this family just how awesome he is.
Mrs. KB
Katie - I am so sorry and I will keep your student and his family in my prayers. As far as the hamsters go (we had 2 when we were little) - the teddy bear ones are supposed to be the nicest - regarding biting and all that. Please keep us updated on your student.