Thursday, December 31, 2009

Has it been since September?

Wow, what did I tell would be really hard to keep blogging with everything going on in my life! Let me rewind and update you on what has been going on.

In October...I began teaching at Bartlett Jazzercise on a regular basis. This really stepped up how busy I was! Also in October Chris and I went to a Halloween party as Ricky Bobby and Carly Bobby. We should have won the costume contest...but I'm not bitter ;) Here is what we looked like!

In November...Chris was the best man in Joey (his brother's) wedding. We had an amazing time at that. I still continued teaching Jazzercise, teaching school, and going to grad school all at once. We had Thanksgiving with my family and it was a wonderful time! Here's some pictures from Joey's wedding.

And in was a very hectic time with grad school, Jazzercise, and closing out the first semester at Graves. I was soooooooo ready for Christmas break. As I sit here writing this I'm soooo dreading going back. Christmas time was amazing for me this year. The biggest thing that happened is that I got engaged! I'm so incredibly happy it's unreal. I still feel like I'm on cloud nine!

So we've been busy! And now we have a wedding to plan! I promise to keep y'all updated!

Happy Blogging!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

So much to...

...catch up on.

I told you when school started back it would be harder to blog as much as I want to. So much has happened in my life here recently I just don't know where to begin!

As many of you know, I was training over the past few months to go to workshop and audition to become a Jazzercise instructor. So, I'll start there. Friday, September 11th I made my way to Nashville, TN (with Chris) for my audition that started at 7:30 that night! I had allllllll day to think about it and get anxious about it. I have to say that I have heard people before say that they have physically "felt" prayer. I think for the first time in my life I actually felt it. I'm not sure how many, or how often people were praying but I felt it. I had put my audition in the prayer requests at Hope, all of my friends and family and co-workers and I felt them all. The reason why I know I felt it is because about an hour before the audition I got really emotional. Not emotional like I was worried I wouldn't make it, I just got emotional because of how I felt. I felt everyone had my back no matter what the outcome was. To those of you who prayed for me...I greatly appreciate it!!!!

Anyway, let's fast forward to the audition. I got there, met the other girls who were auditioning with me (10 including me) and realized it was going to be a looooong night. We got started about 7:45 and each auditioner had to teach two routines at random (out of the ones we had been rehearsing) while the other auditioners acted as your students. Now think about the challenge of this...10 people auditioning, 2 routines a piece...that's a totally of 20 high intensity cardio routines that we would be doing. Not only that, but when you were acting as a student we were practicing those routines completely opposite of how we had learned them with our "Jazzercise Right." I was so hoping that I wasn't chosen to go last, because after doing 18 routines, I knew I'd be exhausted. We drew numbers....I got number 2. The best number I think possible because I definitely didn't want to go first, but I didn't want to go last either. When it was my turn to audition I we selected to do probably the two routines I felt strongest in. I was scared when I got on that stage, but once I started it all went away. So, everyone auditioned, the person making the decision went back into a back room and made her decisions. She came out about 10 minutes later with envelopes for each of us. She explained that inside would be a sheet that would be marked "acceptable" or "unacceptable" as well as areas that would be check for improvement. I got my envelope...opened it...and saw that check mark that said "ACCEPTABLE!" I was soooooooo excited. I had no areas of improvement checked. I was absolutely thrilled! 7 out of the 10 of us made it, and I was so proud to be one of them. I couldn't wait to get to the car, tell Chris, and call the long list of people who I knew were praying for me. We went back to the hotel it was about 10 oclock and I took a shower and figured I would have the best nights sleep of my life....WRONG. I kept waking up and thinking about the routines, and how I did and how everyone else did. Maybe I was still on a Jazzercise High or something. I eventually fell asleep and had to get up for what would be one of the hardest workouts of my LIFE.

So Saturday we had to be back at the Jazz center at 11. Chris and I took it easy, got breakfast and headed over there. When we got there we met the trainer that would be working with us on our movement. Well, boy did we ever work. We broke down each Jazzercise move, and fixed anything that we could possibly be doing wrong with it. I think we broke it down and figured we spent about 6 hours total of high intensity work. Come lunch time it was all I could do to lift a sandwich up to my mouth. Ha. Now, here's a little aside...while we were at lunch, I checked my phone and had a text message from my principal saying that we were having a mandatory urgent meeting at work on Monday and that I needed to contact my grade level to tell them to come. Well, reading this text sort of worried me, I knew our enrollment was down and surplussing was highly likely. I couldn't deal with it then. I had to stay completely focused on what I was doing. So I went back finished up the day at workshop and Chris picked me up. We went back to the hotel and me and my SORE self got ready and we went to his mom's house for dinner (she lives in Nashville). While I was getting ready, I called my principal because I needed to call my grade level and I was missing one of their numbers. While we were on the phone she sounded really sad. I asked her if everything was ok. She told me that we were loosing staff and then she said to me, "Katie, I'm going to do everything I can to keep you here." That hit me like a ton of bricks. How could in one weekend I get such awesome and bad news at the same time. I didn't want to face it. I knew I still had one more day to go with my Jazzercise workshop, and I was fixing to leave to go to Chris's mom's house to meet ALL of his mom's side of the family for the first time. I had to pull it together and plaster on a smile. On the way there, I called my co-workers and told them about the meeting, all the time having to hold in what I already knew. So we went to his Mom's, had a blast. Wound up staying until nearly midnight. We had a yummy dinner and just sat and talked. It was really great and to be honest, I forgot about the bad news I just had gotten. So we went back to the hotel to go to bed...and again, you would have thought I would have gotten the best nights sleep because of all the working out. Wrong again, I had a new worry on my mind.

So Sunday came early, had to be there at 8 am for meetings (THANK GOODNESS NO WORKOUTS). We spent the day learning about the business side of Jazzercise. Jeanne was such a great informer about all of this overwhelming stuff. We went to lunch as a group, and finished out the day. Chris was waiting for me, had checked out of the hotel, and said we were going back to his Mom's again because his little sister didn't get to meet me the night before and she was begging him to bring me back. So we headed back, they fixed us dinner again, and I got to meet his sister. Ah, to be 17 again. She's so spunky and full of life. They all truly are so wonderful. I can't wait to go back with Chris in November when his brother is getting married. Chris is the best man! So after dinner we headed back to Memphis, the news about work really sunk in then. I got emotional....gosh again! I knew that tomorrow morning at work it would not be pleasant....I didn't know what I was going to face. We made it home around 9:30....went straight to bed. I slept, but not that great.

Monday morning rolled around, I got dressed and went to work for the meeting. We found out that we had to loose 3 teachers based on our enrollment. I found out that I was safe, but only because I am a Reading First teacher that has been through some pretty expensive training on Memphis City School's dime. I was very glad that I was safe, but I was also very sad that we lost 3 great teachers. The good news is that they all got jobs, and are really happy where they are at now! That day was horrible. I went from scared to death, to feeling safe, then scared again because I almost got moved to fourth grade. Luckily my degree is only through third grade so I couldn't be moved. But, that meant one of the other second grade teachers had to go. I didn't want to see that happen. So one left, we all got new students. I'm at 18 now which is a good number, and the ones I got seem to be meshing well with my others. So, it all worked out, God took care of me, and my co-workers. He always does. I learned more about prayer in that weekend then I had in my whole life.

So where does that put me now? Still in a classroom with no air and a jacked up room, but hey....I'm still employed!

I taught a free preview Jazzercise class at my mom's work. Had a great turn out and it really helped boost my confidence. I now have signed on with a new Jazzercise center in Bartlett to teach Tuesday nights at 6 oclock and then in November Tuesday and Thursday nights at 7! I'm super excited. You can check out Bartlett Jazzercise's blogspot here: and they have a facebook page as well Check them out and come join to come to classes out there. Also I am looking at adding a couple of classes at the YMCA so WATCH out! I'm about to get busy. It's overwhelming, but I'm managing. I taught for Ann this morning at the Y because she had to go to a Jazzercise meeting. It went well! The only thing is I have been battling a cold and I didn't feel all that hot. I know if I was feeling better I would have felt better about my subbing job!

S0 now today I have been laying low...just trying to feel better and relax. My life has been petal to the metal lately and I'm really enjoying just relaxing. So, now that I have caught you up, go check out Bartlett Jazzercise's pages and come see me out there. Stay tuned for the latest and greatest! Happy Saturday!

Happy Blogging!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A little something I needed to keep me going...

I just wanted to post real briefly about a moment I had yesterday morning with one of my students. Work has been really hard lately, and just this little instance was that little push that I needed. All of you know the area in which I teach and the type of at-risk students that I deal with. Anyway, progress reports went out on Thursday this week and one of my little girls who is a HARD worker did really well. She struggles in Reading and Math, but she EARNED an "A" in Reading and a "C" in Math. This is not me following the "No-Fail" policy and fluffing up her grades. That is truly what she earned.

Well, Friday morning in the lobby at school her older sister stopped me and said "We are so proud of Kourtlyn's progress report. We took her to Chili's last night to celebrate. She worked so hard." This just really made my day! When Kourtlyn made it down to my room I told her I had heard about her celebration at Chili's. She told me, "I know Ms. Chrostowski. I only made a C in math and I can keep bringing that up. I am working hard." I told her, "Well do you know who you should be proud of?" She said, "Myself." I said, "Yes you should becauses you're the one who did all that hard work. You keep it up ok?" She said, "I is, I is." IT WAS PRECIOUS. Oh, I needed that. For the past three weeks I have almost felt like I've hit a dead end road, but then God intervined. Thank God for that family who loves and cares for her enough to celebrate a "C." Of course, I'll include a picture of her, I think I actually posted this picture in the post before about our cupcakes. But here is little Kourtlyn. Keep praying for her. I know I am.
1 Corinthians 15:58 (NIV)
"Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."

Have a great long weekend y'all...

Monday, August 31, 2009

It's been awhile...

...since I've had the time to post!

Things have been absolutely nuts the past few weeks. Between school (teaching), Grad School, Preparing for my Jazzercise audition, various meetings at work, and all of the other random "hiccups" in life, it's been hard to sit down and write about what's going on.

First of all, my audition is 11 days away. I'm nervous! I know that if it is in God's plan for me, and I work hard I will pass. Ann has been great (my instructor) at letting me teach routines in front of the class. That has helped take the nerves out of getting in front of people. I had to write a fat check to Jazzercise and book a hotel room in Nashville at the lovely MICROTEL. Let's hope it's "nice." Ha. Anyway, in a few minutes I'll be rehearsing!

I finished the hardest of my Grad classes to date. I have four more to go. This class was educational research. Had to write a research paper, which was surprisingly easy to do. I thought I was out of practice, but I ended up with an "A" on the paper. Luckily I have this next week off of Grad school because the next class does not begin until after Labor day. It will be nice to not have to think about it for a week.

I also still have NO AIR at school. Up until Friday I had been able to turn it off and on until the air would finally cut on, but on Friday it finally gave out. Luckily on Friday the air man showed up, he knows what the problem is and is supposed to fix it tomorrow. I'll keep my fingers crossed on that one. Thank God for the beautiful weather this week which makes it more bearable.

My class this year is really a unique bunch. Right now I have 16, and I suspect that we are going to have to close a section of 2nd grade and fill our classes up. I'm still praying that there is a way to keep our numbers low. It is so nice to have a small class. I feel like I'm able to accomplish so much more! I thought I'd post a few pictures of my kids from two Friday's ago. They made cupcake aliens because the story for the week was about space. Here are a few of my kids.

Kingston and his cupcake.
Gabrielle and her cupcake.

Jai and his cupcake.

Kourtlyn and her cupcake.

An upclose look at a cupcake (sideways, sorry!)

This past Friday they had a dance for the kids to celebrate a great first three weeks of school. I got some cute shots of my kids during the dance.

Here are three of my boys. From left to right, Jai, Robert and Nacarious.

Another funny shot of them dancing. From left to right, Jermya, Jaida, Robert, Gabrielle, Amiya and Makenzie.

So as you can see, I have some cuties this year. Please pray for us to have some air conditioning so I won't have anymore crabby children and they won't have a crabby teacher!

Alright, well it's off to go practice, practice, practice and then work on school work till I hit the bed tonight. Hope ya'lls week is great!

Happy blogging!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

What a week!

So the first week of school is behind me now and I can say I feel pretty positive about this year. Unfortunately, I still have no air conditioning. I got excited on Monday morning because I heard it running outside the door of my room but when I opened the door it was just pooooooouring hot air in. I guess he "thought" he fixed it. I've been told that a ticket has been put in to have my air looked at again, but I know a teacher at my school who went two year without air. I think I'll have to do something about it before it goes on that long. I actually have gotten a parent on my side and she has said she will go to the board for me if she has to.

Anyway, right now I have 15 students, but I anticipate more creeping in until Labor Day. That always seems to be what happens. I have a great little group this year. They have some good personalities. I also have a really LOW group this year. Aside from maybe 3 or 4 really bright students, I'm going to have an up hill battle ahead of me. That's ok though, because I they all right now seem to have awesome attitudes. If we can all remain positive I think great things can happen. I plan on taking some picture with my class just as soon as it cools off. Hehe.

In the meantime, I have also been working my butt of getting ready for my Jazzercise audition. Ann (my instructor) has been really great and has let me start teaching some routines during class. I actually taught 4 in a row on Saturday. The more that I do it, the more comfortable I am with being in front of people dancing, talking on a mic, and queing the moves. It's quite a challenge, but I'm getting there. Yesterday I ordered my Jazzercise top and exercise pants that I'm going to wear to the audition. Ann and I both though it would be a good idea to wear the logo to show that I'm interested. Here are pictures of what I ordered.
I liked this hot pink top because of the back, the logo really stands out, and it matches the pink on my workout shoes. Also I have a really great sports bra that will be totally hidden by the razor back straps in the back.
Here are the capri's I ordered. They are wide leg and flare which are my favorite kind. Hopefully this will help my efforts!!! I can't wait to get my order in the mail!

Anyway, thanks to all who have been encouraging me through this audition process. You guys have been amazing. Just taking the time out to mention that I'm doing a good job is helping me become more and more confident.

Well, between school, grad school, jazzercise practice and just life in general things are kind of crazy. But I'm trying to take every moment I can to just breath. I will try to post more this week and update everyone on how things are going. Hope everyone has a great week!

Happy Blogging!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

School Starts Tomorrow!

Isn't it funny that I used to be a little kid nervous about the first day of school, and now I'm the teacher and STILL nervous. I'm nervous about the new grade, new group of kids, and the possibility of still no air conditioning! We were told that the "air man" was going to be working in our school all throughout the weekend to have all units functioning by Monday morning. Graves Elementary was put number one on the priority list because we had 15 units out. The maintenance department at MCS was claiming they were doing the best the could, but the truth is it just took a little pressure from the administration at the board. (THANK YOU WILLIE RHODES!) When Mr. Rhodes found out that we had that much air out my principal received a call 5 minutes later! Well, as of Friday of in service I still didn't have air, but I'm not going to loose hope. Pray, pray, pray for some air conditioning! Anyway, in service week went well. We were able to get a lot of things done, but last minute on Friday we were given a list of things to complete. I didn't leave my school until 6p.m.

Saturday was a great day! We had some visitors to Jazzercise class, Katie (Grisham) and my other friend Megan came to try it and loved it! I think Megan is going to join the YMCA and come to Jazzercise regularly. So awesome! I'm nervous about Jazzercise too because I'm going to slowly start teaching some routines in my class. Ann is so wonderful though, she is doing an awesome job of getting me ready for the workshop. I've been praying a lot about the workshop too. I know I'll make it through if being a Jazzercise instructor is what God has in His plan for me. After Jazzercise my super sweet boyfriend changed the oil in my car, wash and waxed it, and then went out to dinner. What great guy!

It's been awhile since I've blogged and I'm affraid that as the school year starts it will be harder for me to with school back in. Although with a new group of kids will come some pretty great stories! To all of the teacher out there, good luck with your new start to the year!

Here's just a funny picture that I wanted to share with y'all. When I got home from work last Thursday one of the neighbor cats that loves staring at Izzie and Tux was asleep on the patio. It was hilarious!

At first I was worried about him, but he was just really zonked out! Have a great week y'all!

Happy Blogging!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A little PATIENCE and the TIGERS.

So today at church (Hope Pres.) Eli preached about patience. Those of you who know me well, know that I tend to worry needlessly over things that I can't control. Eli brought it all back to perspective for me that my worrying goes back to not being patient. Sometimes I'm waiting for answers from God and when I don't get an answer RIGHT THAT SECOND it doesn't necessarily mean "No" it could just mean "Not Right Now." How true is that?

He preached about worrying about things that are out of our control, people who won't change, and problems that are unexplainable. It's so true. I've found that in my life here recently, no matter what I do...there are certain people, problems, and things that I just simply can't change. So it's up to me to move on and live in MY MOMENT. He had some great scripture that went a long with this message also.

"An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up." Proverbs 12:25

"But these things I plan won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, do not despair, for these things will surely come to pass. Just be patient! They will not be overdue a single day!" Habakkuk 2:3

I just love hearing Eli preach. I love Craig too, but I guess not getting to hear Eli all that often just makes it that much more special.

So, I got to church early this morning to bust in on the Men's Ministry inviting the new head coach of the Memphis Tigers basketball team, Josh Pastner, to speak. Of course Hope had an overwhelming amount of women who wanted to come so they allowed us in too! ;) It was really great hearing how he came to Memphis, what he has been up to since he's been hired, what to expect as far as a recruiting class for this year, and how our exsisting players are doing. Eli introduced me as the "craziest Memphis fan out there" to Josh. Is it bad that my preacher knows what at Tiger fanatic I am? Anyway...he was a breath of fresh air to listen to and I'm super excited for this upcoming season.

I love the fact that Pastner focuses on STUDENT athletes. He also never once said "my team" he referred to it as "our team." He understands that Memphis Basketball is one of the only positive things we have going for us.

So even after he met the "craziest Memphis fan out there" he was still willing to take a picture with me.

What a great day! Now on to work on a little grad work, do some laundry, and prepare myself for going back to work tomorrow.

Happy Blogging!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The pretty much finished product!

So, it's done! Aside from just a few little things here and there, my room is complete! I am soooooo thrilled with how great it turned out this year. This post will be mostly pictures because I wanted to show everyone what the finished product looks like.

Linda Briggs is a life saver! These are the letters that are going on my door that she is so generously decorating for me. She's following my theme of ladybugs and bees. I loooove this font.

Here is my decorated door! The letters from above just have to be added to the door. Look at my sassy ladybug!! I need a funky name for her, she is really cool. Linda free handed that! She is amazing!

Here is my bulletin board that she has been working on. The little yellow section of the board is something that every teacher has. It has the sign with our name on it an also places to post our weekly newsletter and our class schedule. Here is my sassy ladybug again. She's just chillin' in the grass. I love her! This board is going to have lettering that says "Welcome Back 2-03!"

Here she is up close. Also you can see the detail of the border. Linda made that border. It's not store bought.

This is an up close view of the flower signs in the yellow section of the board. You can also see that Linda added another little ladybug on my flower leaf. Such detail!

Ok now on to the pictures from inside the classroom.

Here is my wooden closet area at the front of the room. This is where I will track conduct, fluency and how my students get home. Inside the cabinet is my art supplies and other random things. That small board beside there is where I will post my weekly spi's.

Here is the view of the front of the room. Teaching table is at the front. The other small bulletin board to the left is where my workstation rotation chart will be hanging. You can also see my caddies in the center of the tables. Those are for community supplies such as crayons, scissors, glue sticks, pencils and other various things.

Here is the side wall of my room. The shelves have my literacy workstations and phonics workstation. You can also see my conduct chart. I use the card system. Green - E (Excellent) Yellow - W (Warning) Blue - S (Satisfactory) Orange - N (Needs Improvement) and Red - U (Unsatisfactory). You can also see another blank bulletin board. That is actually a free standing bulletin board that is leaning in the window seal. It will have my Calendar Math on it once I get all the pieces :)

Moving along down that wall, this is my carpet area. My favorite area to teach. You can see towards the left my library bookshelf. Also the main focus of the picture is my still TAKEN APART air conditioner. Yep, you guessed it, still no air. Got a little bit of positive news though. Seems as though MCS is going to fix A/C units that are taken apart first because they could be hazardous to the children. Wow MCS you are SO smart. Do you sense my sarcasm?

Again my beautiful library courtesy of Mandy Collins. Thanks Mandy!

Here is my rocking chair and easel. This seriously is my favorite place to teach. I give each of my students a clip board and we work on the carpet. They rarely sit at their seats unless they are doing an independent practice or workstations.

Here is my teacher "cave." I promise this is more organized than it looks. Once I get my copier and other things there it will look much more pleasant! And of course as always I'm representin' Memphis!

Here is the other wall. My wordwalls, information wall, computer table, math workstation and listening station. Also a good shot of my students desks. Their chairs will have chair pockets on them just as soon as I wash them and bring them to school!

Here is another shot of the back wall and my lovely lazy daisy display. Uhg, I'll be glad when I don't have to have ugly fans everywhere.

So, as I have been writing this for like the past hour and a half the tornado sirens have been going off, all kinds of crazy thunder, and down pour rains! Ahhh, summer time in the South. I'm missing doesn't make me happy! Well anyway, I had the cats locked in the bedroom with me and all of a sudden this HUGE clap of thunder hit and both cats ran into the bathroom (on their own) and have been sitting in the sink ever since. Haha. Of course I had to take pictures.

Look at Izzie's face. She looks terrified! Well I hope that no one has any damage from the storms. Things seem to be calming down now.

Happy Blogging!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Mandy Saves the Day!

Mandy came and helped me organized my classroom library today and OMG what a life saver. She has a way of taking a huge task and making it go a whole heck of a lot faster. She was sorting, I was labeling, and we got this thing done in and hour or a little more. Last night I made little tags for each basket that labels the genre of the books in that basket. On the tag is either a little lady bug or bumble bee. The tags alternate the bug as well. They really turned out cute!

I know this picture is kinda blurry, but those books in those baskets make me so happy! It turned out better than I envisioned it! That extra space on that shelf is going to be used for storage. Not really sure what will go in there right now but I'm sure I'll find something.

The day was really fun. I got to spend a lot of time with Mandy and Houston. I think the highlight of the day was when I got locked in the teacher's lounge bathroom and Mandy was outside in the lounge on the couch laughing her butt off while Houston freaked out trying to get me out. He said "Mommy it isn't funny!" Haha. It worked out that she could come and help me because she had to drop her car off to be repaired in good ole' Whitehaven. Let's hope when she picks it up tomorrow it still has all four tires on it! (JK Mandy!) After we worked at my school we went to Booya's for lunch and I had a delicious Booya Burger! It made me feel cruddy afterwards because I really don't eat like that anymore! Sometimes you have to splurge though. After Booya's we decided to go up to CCA for a visit (TK to me). We wound up staying for awhile. Here's a goofy picture of Hou Boo and I from today...
I love that kid. Gosh I hope one day when I have one it is just HALF as cool as him. :)

Anyway, Mandy also visited my Jazzercise class tonight. She did great for a first timer! I hope she comes back to visit soon!

Tomorrow I'm going to sleep in a little bit, go to school and put the final touches on my classroom. I will have lots of pictures to post tomorrow. Keep praying for me and my Jazzercise auditions in September. I've been practicing everyday. Oh and if anyone knows where I can get CPR certified for cheap please let me know!!!

Hope everyone's week is going great!

Happy Blogging!

Monday, July 27, 2009

A little work and some exciting news!

I've been working all day in my classroom. I'm exhausted! But I can now say that all of my 21 plastic tubs are unpacked and just about everything is put away! It's actually starting to look like a classroom now. I took some picture of what it looks of as of today. Oh and in case you are wondering, I STILL have NO AIR. UHG!

Well here is the view from the door. As you can see I've got some furniture arranged. I also rolled my rug out. Oh and Mandy, since I know you're reading this see those crates on the rug? Those are full of classroom library books that you'll be helping me organize tomorrow. :) That's also the shelf Chris fixed and the baskets that I'm so excited about. Also if you look at the student tables those are caddies I bought from Wal-Mart. They have a lot of space in them and individual compartments so that I can do community supplies. I'm a big fan of the community supply thing. In third grade I had the students use pencil boxes and they lost their things ALLLLLLL the time. I like having tables again too!

Here is a closer view of my library area. I really love it. I'll love it even more when my books are in the baskets. That'll be a task for tomorrow. That twirling rack beside the bookcase has books on cd in them. You can also kinds tell that my A/C unit is still pulled apart, I just propped the casing up so it would look good for the picture. Please pray for my air conditioning!

Here is the front of the room. You'll see my teaching table at the front. My writing station where that stand up pocket chart is. I also got my conduct chart hung today. Its to the far left of the picture. I am really happy with how everything is turning out!

Here's a view of the room from the back. That table in the middle won't be there but right now I'm using it for getting things ready. It's my work table. You can see my teaching easel and the HUGE pile of EMPTY plastic tubs stacked up in the corner. The good thing is that those tubs are now EMPTY!!!

Here is what Sheila and I like to call the teacher "cave" this is the corner of the room devoted to just my materials. It has my metal cabinet, filing cabinet, sliding cabinet and shelf. It's not 100% organized but it is definitely getting there. Oh, and see that ugly brown trashcan? Every class has to have those now. It's actually an emergency kit. It has food, water, and other random things in case of an emergency. Not exactly pleasing to the eye huh? This picture is blurry too. Sorry!

So, I am really glad that things are coming together nicely in my classroom. I'm ready to finish it all up. It's weird, but I'm kinda ready to get back to work. I miss the routein. But don't you worry, give me two weeks and I'll be wishing for summer again. When's the first school holiday again? Labor Day!!

I bet you're wondering what the exciting news is! Well I felt your prayers about my Jazzercise movement screening and the worked! I passed!!!!!! So now I have a lot of work to do in order to go to "Workshop" in September. The workshop is September 11-13. Before then I have a lot of things to do like learn 10 routeins (backwards because that is how I will teach it!), get CPR certified and get other paper work and things done. Now workshop is just the next step I have to get past. There is still a chance of not making it when I get there. So, keep the prayers coming, I will definitely need them! I really am excited though. I feel like this is an area of my life that God is taking hold of. Jazzercise is what completely changed my life and made me a healthier person. I have a need to want to help other people do the same.

I'll keep you all updated on all of this stuff! Hope you're weekend was great and to those teachers out there working in their rooms, GOOD LUCK!!

Happy Blogging!


About Me

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Olive Branch, MS, United States
My name is Katie and I am 26 years old. I am a 3rd Grade teacher for St. George's Independent Schools(Memphis Campus). I am married to the man of my dreams and we live in cozy house in Olive Branch, Mississippi. I now have a Mississippi driver's license and tags and quite often loose my car in parking lots because I'm not used to those tags. I am a diehard Memphis Tiger's basketball fan, and love this time of year.