Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Tale of a "Cone Head"


Poor Bella.

So, on Monday, August 1 I said a tearful goodbye to my fur baby pup as my husband took her to the vet to be spayed. I was so sad! I guess mostly because she went to the vet completely fine! Happy! Hungry! Then we make her go through surgery...

It's healthier for a dog to be spayed, I know, but I was still sad. So we spent Monday and Monday night without the dog. She made it through the surgery just fine. We picked her up on Tuesday morning. Wanna hear the sad part? I made Chris stay home from work with me because I was worried about being alone with a dog that had just had surgery! How will I ever have a real baby??

She did fine on Tuesday, the vet said she wouldn't need a cone around her neck because 99% of dogs don't mess with their incisions.

Tuesday night. Every 30 minutes. Woken up. Bella licking incision.

It was bleeding a bit on Wednesday morning so we took her to the vet as he instructed us to do if we saw bleeding. So he decided she needed to wear a cone and be on antibiotics just incase there is any infection from her licking it so much.

So I go buy the cone, and my mom helped me put it on. She's taking it really well! She eats, drinks, plays, and sleeps with it on. Acts like it doesn't bother her. Here's to her being the 1% of the dog population that has to wear the collar!

She has her energy back completely now. In fact we are still trying to keep her not quite as active just in case. In one more week we can have the stitches come out and we can take this cone off for good.

God bless her for being such a good sport. It can't be any fun wearing that collar!

Please pray that she continues to heal as nicely as she has so far.

Oh and by the way...summer ends tonight. Bummer. But I'm excited for a new year!

Mrs. KB


About Me

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Olive Branch, MS, United States
My name is Katie and I am 26 years old. I am a 3rd Grade teacher for St. George's Independent Schools(Memphis Campus). I am married to the man of my dreams and we live in cozy house in Olive Branch, Mississippi. I now have a Mississippi driver's license and tags and quite often loose my car in parking lots because I'm not used to those tags. I am a diehard Memphis Tiger's basketball fan, and love this time of year.